Friday, September 18, 2009

Looks Like We Get to Keep the Change

May as well embrace change. That's seems to be the only constant.

The next change at our house: Candace is leaving in six days (Sept. 24) continuing on a spiritual journey of a lifetime. She'll be attending University of the Nations for a YWAM DTS (Youth With A Mission Discipleship Training School.)

Study will begin in Kona, Hawaii. Not a bad stop on a spiritual journey :-) She'll be there for 12 weeks for intensive Bible and missions instruction, as well as working in some capacity on campus.

Then she'll be headed to Capetown, South Africa for 12 weeks of on-the-job training with a Community Transformations ministry of YWAM, working and serving those in the community.

(In case your math is a little rusty, that's nearly six months away from home. Yes, it means she won't be here for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years or any family celebrations.)

Seasons come and go, things keep changing. But there is a Constant, and I'm so glad, because I will need that as the change keeps coming!

Hebrews 13. 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.